Reasons to choose a Worcester Bosch compact boiler

When choosing a new boiler, it can be a little overwhelming. Between system boilers, conventional boilers, and compact boilers, there is a lot to choose from. And that’s before you consider the power of the boiler, and how many bathrooms or radiators you need to supply. But one option that is becoming increasingly popular is the Worcester Bosch compact boiler. This is a type of combination boiler, providing hot water and heating from the same device, without any need for additional storage. So what are the main reasons to choose a Worcester Bosch compact boiler? Well, here at Mark Vernon Heating and Plumbing, we are leading boiler experts. As a result, we have produced this guide to why you should choose a Worcester Bosch compact boiler.

What are the reasons to choose a Worcester Bosch compact boiler?

So, what are the benefits of a Worcester Bosch compact boiler? Well, there are several, including:

  • Range of installation choices- a compact boiler is built to be just that, compact. So it can fit in the airing cupboard, kitchen cupboard or even under the stairs, without any hassle. Other types of boiler, particularly system and conventional boilers, will need more room, especially when you consider the tanks and cylinders.
  • High efficiency- All of the Worcester Bosch compact boiler range are rated A for energy efficiency. This means that they use less energy to heat your home, so you can pay less for bills, and also reduce your carbon footprint. That’s a win/win situation.
  • Instant hot water- with a compact boiler, hot water is instantly available at all times, whenever you want it. However, you should bear in mind that hot water can only be supplied to one tap at a time, as the water is pulled from the mains, heated instantly, and then directed to the right place. For a property with multiple bathrooms, a system or conventional boiler can be a better option.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the experts today, here at Mark Vernon Heating and Plumbing.